The Skeleton Crawl exists to help emerging and established artists thrive. We put the artist first, requiring no submission fees for exhibitions & no profit from their art sales. We believe artists should have access to a platform where they can share their work with the public without paying out of pocket.
We rely on donations from generous donors and the sales from our online shop to keep the Crawl afloat. 100% of donations received are used to pay participating artists, keep our website online, and bring to life our annual Skeleton Crawl event. We do not make a profit for our efforts, but hopefully our artists do.
Donations are not tax-deductible as we are currently not classified as a non-profit. We aim to obtain this status soon.
paying an artist to present their work at an event
commissioning an artist to make a piece for the event
covering rental cost of an event space
tools, equipment, & materials needed to run an event, our website, and online store
shipping cost of returning artwork to artists after an event
permits & advertising costs
This list is not exhaustive. The Skeleton Crawl is solely run by founder, Anna Russell. She donates her time and the sales of her artwork fully to the Crawl.